9. Practical- Lego Robots

9. Practical - Lego Robotics

Description: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:5KI6VcNLkiWOmM:http://www.jstuber.net/lego/zambo0.jpg
Complete the following two Challenges

Working with Robotics

Challenge 1: Pedestrian Crossing

To program your Robot, using the NXT Software to drive in a straight line by swerving around the three pedestrians. At the end of the road, your robot must successfully drive up the ramp and stop on the stairs. You have 3 lessons to plan, program and test your robot. Competition will commence on a date designated by your teacher.

·         Ensure that you only drive in a straight line to the pedestrians and all robots must start at the middle of the starting line. Your robot must successfully drive up the ramp and then stop.

·         Swerve around all three pedestrians without hitting them. You will be eliminated from the round if the robot hits your pedestrian. You will have 3 rounds and your best time will be calculated.

·         You will not be able to use any sensors or spare parts. You will not have any amendments to the robot and you must compete by using the “standard robot” in the robotics guide.

After investigating the field and course that you will be working in, what elements of robotic design would you need to consider for the programming of your robot?

Points Allocation:
Fastest Time                                                                    100 Points
2nd Fastest Time                                                             75 Points
3rd Fastest Time                                                             50 Points
Best Group Work                                                             25 Points

Description: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:5KI6VcNLkiWOmM:http://www.jstuber.net/lego/zambo0.jpg

Working with Robotics

Challenge 2: Robotic Arm

To program your Robot, using the NXT Software to move in any direction to collect the red and blue balls which will be placed in the middle of a 2m x 2m squared arena.

·        Your robot must start in one corner.

You can download robotic controls from the internet or app store which will help you navigate around the arena.

In the challenge, you will verse four other robots. Your robot needs to be a standard robot in which you built from the handbook and you cannot use any sensors.

100 for a red ball to be collected and 75 for a blue ball. Time of challenge will be 2 minutes.

 You must use your robotic arm to capture the ball. You have to have the arm around the ball somehow and drag it over the line for the points to be counted.

After investigating the field and course that you will be working in, what elements of robotic design would you need to consider for the programming of your robot?

Websites of Interest:

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